Album of Smaller Work Boats This set of photographs highlights some of the smaller, often custom-outfitted work boats seen in the Admiralty Group, near Gananoque. ON. Winifred McGowan
Album of Working Boats! People who don't know the River personally may not realize the different way islanders have to get major deliveries for work to be done. Winifred McGowan
One small island; one hour's search - over 20 different fungi seen ! With the late August rains in 2023 came many fungal fruiting structures. A closer look at a cluster of tiny white dots next to the oak tree revealed that they were a fungus . . . Winifred McGowan
Dock Master Goes Fishing Our Dock Master, a great blue heron, is checking for fish before plunging into the water and returning to the dock. It caught its fish on the first try. . . Winifred McGowan
Small-Scale Items and Curiosities Here from my island home in the Admiralty Group, are a few of the small-scale items and curiosities, that are easy to overlook, Winifred McGowan