Good Times: Ospreys in the St. Lawrence Region are doing fabulously well... seems appropriate to celebrate. Sherri Leigh Smith
Northern Harrier Magician of Grassland and Marsh Once known as Marsh Hawk, this species is a favorite raptor of mine. They are most often seen skimming low over open country flashing the white rump patch that helps identify them in all plumages. Sherri Leigh Smith
August Avian Happenings As August dawns the breeding season for most summer bird residents of the River is over.. Early migration becomes a steady flow with some species mostly gone by months end... Sherri Leigh Smith
September 2017 Article Revisited: High Water is for the Birds ...writing to convince many of us today, June 2019, that the high water is beneficial when so many are suffering is a different story Sherri Leigh Smith
Don’t Annoy Those Messy Swallows-They Are Hurting Our region is home to six species of swallows ... All catch insects on the wing and are known to birders as aerial insectivores. Sherri Leigh Smith
Bald Eagle Redux Already in the spring of 2019 more than 150 have passed the Derby Hill Bird Observatory (DHBO )in barely a month of monitoring... Sherri Leigh Smith
Grassland birds: a critical conservation priority For my part I cannot imagine the part of the world extending from the Lake Ontario lakeshore down the international sector of the St. Lawrence, without grassland birds. The Bobolink’s bubbling cacophony ... Sherri Leigh Smith
Shorebirds These birds were market hunted, whenever they were present, until receiving protection from the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918. Sherri Leigh Smith
Songbird Forest: A Refuge Migrant birds that travel twice annually between temperate North America and the New World Tropics have always faced many natural dangers. Sherri Leigh Smith