Raymond S. Pfeiffer may have more articles on our old site. Click here to visit our old site.
Befriending one or two seagulls each spring has mixed benefits. We enjoy training them to come when called, and also enjoy their territorial protection of our area from other gulls. However. . .
Stephen Friot’s detailed, authoritative, and fascinating study of the history of relations between Russia and the USA broadens and deepens our grasp of the story of the last hundred years, and current realities.
I dislike hordes of seagulls as much as anyone. When my partner, JBJ, and I went to see a movie in Kingston last summer, we were accosted and disgusted by dozens of seagulls in the parking lot . . .
Throughout these illuminating discussions, Cowan writes in a straight-forward manner . . . and explaining in detail the facts that one must know to be able to seek middle ground . . .
It began one bright, blue, late summer morning in 2017, a year with a highwater level that was receding as fall approached. At breakfast, we noticed a ring-billed gull perched on a newly reappearing rock . . .
It was at the intermission, when I went out on the Playhouse deck, that I discovered considerable fog on the River. I could not see our lighthouse...
To know that a storm is coming is to apprehend mystery and fate... By bedtime, it was blowing a gale.