Crunch Time, a short story It was a Saturday morning, which meant the day’s highlight for George Davis would be the big bowl of Cap’n Crunch cereal that he ate slowly in the breakfast nook of the home he lived in for more than 50 years . . . Chris Brock
Pandemic Vultures, a short story It is now early April and we’re still in isolation. They tell us not to leave our homes. The virus, they say, is highly contagious. They’re not sure what’s causing it. But here’s the thing: it only infects people who live within 1,000 feet, basically the shoreline, of the St. Lawrence River. Chris Brock
Season’s Eatings, From Maple Street, by Chris Brock Carl and Gail Gunther had just completed their fourth batch of Christmas cookies in a whirlwind of their usual holiday kitchen madness. Chris Brock
Bigfoot Walks into Town, a short story by Chris Brock The Bigfoot wandered into Highville one fine summer morning and climbed a large maple tree in the village park. Chris Brock