TI Life in August '19

Mid-August is never as exciting as mid-June!  There are several weeks left of summer 2019, but there are not nearly the number of birds waking us up and the days are getting slightly shorter.  Never-the-less, we want you to enjoy these weeks as the water is receding, and docks are once again slightly above the water line. It will be interesting to review the attendance for various festivals and public events held this year, on both sides of the border. High water does more than disturb islanders, there are hundreds of commercial enterprises up and down the River that are impacted.

"At the Fire Pit" Photo by Chris Piering

Each week there is a new call for action - mainly to cease Plan 2014 and revert to the plan approved in the 1950s. Communities on both sides of the River are making their voices heard - however, to date there is no confirmation that the IJC's planning has resulted in our flooding - However, the US Federal Government’s Congressional Watchdog Agency is going to review the Plan that helps adjust water levels on Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence River. The Review will look at how the Plan developed and how it was implemented. Alfredo Gomez, director in the GAO’s Natural Resources and Environment team, says they will be interviewing a "variety of stakeholders across levels of government," including commercial organizations, environmental groups, and industry by visiting many sited along the waterway. Let's hope they get answers before spring 2020.

Latest Level Info: Lake Ontario Water Levels Decline More Rapidly

International Lake Ontario-St. Lawrence River Board: August 09, 2019,  "Water levels on Lake Ontario have begun to decline more rapidly in recent days due to a combination of continued record-high outflows, declining inflows from Lake Erie and generally drier weather across the basin."

Revised Vessel Speed Restriction - Brockville Narrows to Prescott

I have an Alert for Mariner's Notices for the St. Lawrence Seaway. These notices point out that the high water is also disrupting the Seaway. Suggest you link an alert for this site, so you too can be kept up-to-date.

Here is an example received from the Maisonneuve Region, August 12, 2019: Mariners are advised that currents are increasing in the upper St. Lawrence River. As a result, in order to maintain safe ship maneuverability, the speed restriction for downbound ships has been revised. Between buoy 132 and light 147:

  • Downbound ships are limited to 10.5 knots (Column IV of Schedule II – Table of Speeds) in the Seaway Handbook Practices & Procedures)
  • Upbound ships continue to be limited to 8.5 knots.

Vessel speeds will be monitored closely and there will be zero tolerance for ships exceeding the speed limit. Mariners are also reminded to watch their wake, particularly when navigating close to shore. We will continue to closely monitor the conditions and inform you of any change.

(Interested in receiving these notices throughout the summer?  Check out http://www.greatlakes-seaway.com/en/news/notices/index.html)

Tacking up wind near Wolfe and Linda Islands, August 2019 [Photo by Art Pundt]

Question about Honey Bees...

David Coupland, knows how important Bees are to the environment, so he asked a question on 1000 Islands River Rats Then and Now Facebook: "For some reason honey bees (I believe) have settled on the exterior of my mailbox. We live in Cape Vincent and would appreciate some input from someone familiar with bees."

Lots of comments:  Craig Zarnosky sent a link to the Bee-Keeper Directory [https://www.nnyagdev.org/.../05/Bee-Keeper-Directory.pdf]; Kendrick Flanagan said, "Whatever you do, don’t kill them. They are probably just moving on to a new nesting site. Will probably be gone by tomorrow." Brandy Lynn Grigg  wrote, "More than likely the nest split, and the queen needs a break. They all stop till she's ready. She is built to lay eggs, be fed, and be fanned in a hot hive. She is not made for flying long distances. Think of her as a 1700's Royal Queen on a hike." and finally, Morna Luchterhand wrote, "They stop and gather together when they are going somewhere. Kinda like getting a room for a night on a long journey. They will be gone soon. They have somewhere to go. Save the Bees, the ecosystem needs them!

"Summer Morning" Photo by Jim Graves

Sad News

Murray Isle is fortunate to have what they call a Murray Secretary, who keeps family and friends apprised of news. This month we learned of the passing of Charlene Cowell (1950-2019) long time resident of Murray Isle.  Charlene earned her Bachelor's Degree in Education and then her Master's Degree in 1992. In 1988, she began teaching at Martha Brown Elementary School in Fairport, where she taught for twenty years, retiring in 2008.  She was a member of the Red Hat Society and she and her husband, Kirk, loved to travel.

Dramatic thunderhead over Wolfe Island. From Beadle Pt. NY - 8/9/19

This Issue

Happy to have power... see Lynn McElfresh’s And Then There Was Light.

High water’s Save the River Action, by John Peach.

Where have all the birds gone? Gerry Smith tells us in August Avian Happenings.

Meet Adam Allore and his Wavve Boating: Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the 1000 Islands, written by Tom Robbins

Clayton's Antique Boat Show Weekend was as popular as ever! Yes, there is something about those old wooden boats... [Photo by Dane Zabriskie]

Susanne Richter provides an update on Gananoque's Magnificent New Boathouse!.

Want inspiration? See Poets & Writers INK, Summer 2019 submissions by Linda Rowe, Mark Pierce & Carol Wilkins.

Nicole Hartshorn also provides inspiration with The River Wrap... (“It’s what’s on the inside that matters”) Yes… a sandwich and her boat!

Photography lesson with Chris Murray's Depth of Field: The Story Behind the Image "Three Sailboats"

Book Review: Glimpses of Grand View - 30th Anniversary Edition.

And Dan LeKander gives us a tough one... Sudoku Puzzle #57. Try it you will like it!

And Please Don't Forget!

Several readers wanted to contribute to TI Life last month, but our Pay Pal account was not working.  Hopefully it will be working soon... so please check back.  Some have asked for a mailing address:  Thousand Islands Life Magazine, c/o 103 Tall Oak Pvt. Ottawa, ON K1G 6T3.  That will get to me!  Any amount is greatly appreciated.

Let's remember that it is important this summer to shop locally!

I thank those who send photographs for TI Life – they really are better than 1000 words… Always send high resolution photos to info@thousandislandslife.com.

And, this Editor is always looking forward to receiving new submissions throughout the year. I bet our readers are too!

Special thanks to editor Bill Stallan and proofreaders Rick Taylor, Georgia Barker, and Dane Zabriskie. What a team!

By Susan W. Smith, Editor, info@thousandislandslife.com