What I did on my Summer Vacation

Editor’s  Note: Remember when you are asked what you did on your summer  vacation?  Well professional videographer, John Street, from San Diego  California, will have no trouble this year as he has lots to report –  and luckily for TI Life readers he has shared his marvelous discoveries.

And just to impress this editor - these were all taken his August, 2018!

Explosive Storm

Explosive storm on the River last night! I thought I was going to be  capturing it way off in the distance, but suddenly the tail-end whipped  around, and a pitch-black cloud wall appeared overhead, with downbursts  of wind and driving rain ... the skies suddenly blacked out as the  entire area lost power ... I ducked in the house, fearing my camera was  being blown right off the dock ... luckily the camera made it -- most of  the great lightning bolts were obscured by all the rain on the lens but  I got a few fun ones ... join me:

Storm cloud swoops in from left to right ... about midnight … looking ENE towards Gananoque

Although it is almost midnight, the sky is lit by the flash of  lightning; you can see the rain pelting off the boat port roof. and the  double-image of the floating boat port and dock show just how much they  were rocking between lightning bolts!!

A good night to be safe indoors, while bolts appear to hit  Rockport, TI Park, Alex Bay, etc. This is a single 20-second photo, not a  composite of multiple photos ... the storm was going off!!

The bolt was so bright it overwhelmed the sensor and bleached-out  the colors. I'm sure it was many miles away, but it looks like it's  hitting right behind Manitouana Island!

Gazing at the August Moon

During a break in the clouds, the moon high above 40 acres blasts a  spotlight onto the River, turning night into day ... (if you have a  long enough shutter speed of course) ...

Admiralty Islands Loons

This loon is  already starting to change plumage from the characteristic iridescent  black head, to the fashionable gray-look for winter. @ Gananoque,  Ontario


A face only a  mother could love. This was definitely the smelliest portrait I’ve ever  taken! I clambered up a bouldered hillside and discovered a pair of  young vultures perched at the top ... their stench was nearly as  fearsome as their visage ... yikes! @ Gananoque, Ontario


Frog-eye  self-portrait. This is now my favorite selfie — in the frog’s eye you  can see the reflection of me in my white t-shirt kneeling on the bank to  take the photo ...

Ya gotta kiss a lotta frogs, right? — in Gananoque, Ontario.

Morning with Wildlife

Good morning  dear. I think the sunrise wildlife is mocking me ... from the doe  sticking her tongue-out then laughing at me, to the osprey -- well --  flipping me the bird if you know what I mean!

Animal ID Please

By John Street

John Street is a video Producer/Director at his company  InPoint Productions, Inc. San Diego, CA. The list of productions is long and impressive, such as  over 50 event-highlight videos filmed and edited for Fortune 500  companies, or - Travel, film and supervise production crews in 40 U.S.  cities, plus France, UK, Ireland, Spain, Italy, Tunisia, Germany, Czech  Republic, Jamaica, the Bahamas, Canada, Mexico and 5 of the Hawaiian  Islands. Yes, John Street is well known in his industry.  Luckily for  us,he spends his vacation in the Thousand Islands.
In January 2011, TI Life profiled John Street’s Holiday Photographs.  At that time he wrote, “I’ve been fortunate enough to live in several  parts of the country, from the woods to the city. My job has helped me  to travel exciting places around the world as well … but when I have the  chance to vacation with my family, the one place we all want to spend  time is in the 1000 Islands. It’s where we have roots; I’ve spent every  summer of my life here, as did my father and his father and his father,  ever since my great-grandfather and his brothers discovered this little  corner of paradise in the 1800s and built a frame cottage that started  housing our family memories. I’ve built on the tradition by sharing this  experience with my wife and daughters, creating another generation with  River water in their blood.”