Special Article Added to the March Issue of TI Life
One important Article has just been added to the March Issue of TI Life today. Please be sure to read it! It is about a problem that can affect all of us.
Over the winter of 2022, Save the River and several other organizations, including the Thousand Islands Land Trust (TILT), and Thousand Islands Association (TIA), emailed their opposition to U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s (CBP) application to build the US CBP Facility in the Blind Bay area at Fishers Landing, Town of Orleans, NY.
We at TI Life, believe this is such an important subject that we asked STR to provide an article, for both US and Canadian readers, explaining what action has been taken. The article includes a list of media stories already published, as well as letters from several individuals and organizations.
This is not a US problem, but rather a St. Lawrence River problem. Those on the Canadian side should be equally concerned – the simple fact is that the Muskies don't stop at the white line. No fish do. If you are a fisherman, if your lively-hood depends on tourism, or you want to raise your voice over the environmental issues, I highly recommend that you, too, write your officials (US or Canadian) and give your opinion about this project. It is never too late to have your voice heard.
Painting of a Muskellunge called "Sovereign" by Michael Ringer. [Photo courtesy Save the River.]
Write to John Petrilla, Acting Environmental Branch Chief, at U.S. Customs and Border Protection, stating your opposition to the application to build the US Customs and Border Protection Facility in the Blind Bay area at Fishers Landing, Town of Orleans, NY. (BPAMNEPA@cbp.dhs.gov)
Susan W. Smith, Editor, (susansmith@thousandislandslife.com)
P.S. This is another reminder why supporting these River organizations with your membership is so important. (And yes, we are working on our April issue which will be ready for April 15, 2022.)
Proposed site of the US Customs and Border Protection Facility in the Blind Bay area at Fishers Landing, Town of Orleans, NY.