- Ian's Issue email -

As soon as we learned that Ian Coristine was gravely ill from pancreatic and liver cancer, it was obvious that we needed to do an “Ian’s Issue” before we continued to publish Thousand Islands Life's regular issues beginning again in April, 2020.

Volume 15, Ian's Issue, March 2020 is now online.

Choosing the topics was not difficult – tributes from friends – those who meant a lot to Ian and this magazine:

Kim Lunman Grout – The River Chose Ian;
Simon Fuller – Choosing Ian Coristine;
Donna Walsh Inglehart – In Celebration of Ian Coristine;
Mike Cox – Raising the Bar with Ian Coristine.

In addition, I present Ian’s Issue, where I am honored to reprint the tributes you, our readers, sent in the February issue.

I know we will miss his winter photographs, so we asked Linda Twichell to present, Ian’s Wallpaper Images, Raising the Bar!

And many of us have followed Ian and Lyne’s spring and fall excursions to France where they created a special retreat. We are pleased to present the letter Brad and Kristen Kranz, sent to Lyne upon learning his time was short. Their letter is special as they are the new owners of Le Studio de Séguret, Petit Gîte de Charme.

We also republish Kim Lumman Grout's original Tribute to Paul Malo, Mr. Thousand Islands written in 2008. Paul, Ian and Mike Franklin, created the original Thousand Islands Life.

© Photo by Ian Coristine/1000IslandsPhotoArt.com
Admiralty Islands in the early morning. © Photo by Ian Coristine/1000IslandsPhotoArt.com

Each month, I choose photographs to accompany this email message. This month I chose some of our original “TI Life Headers!" In December 2008, TI Life took on a new look. David O’Malley, principal designer at Areographics, in Ottawa ON. provided a unique style for TI Life's graphic look from 2008-2018, complete with a tag line: put a thousand islands in your life. His distinctive design provided an easily managed template.  Mike Cox did the backend of the new website and we used these header photos by Ian Coristine, and my husband, Marceli Wein, put them together.

A summer's day at anchor! © Photo by Ian Coristine/1000IslandsPhotoArt.com

As always, I want to thank our proofreaders for their never-ending enthusiasm and support.  Bill Stallan, Georgia Barker, Rick Taylor, and Dane Zabriskie did their regular checking, and this time we also had each author check and double-check. When I hung up the phone the last day I spoke to Ian, he reminded me to take care, “don’t rush; make sure you read the material over once, twice and then, Susie, read it a third time.” I am still smiling and for once, thanks to Ian... reading!

Great Lake Swimmer surprise the Gananoque Boat Line with a short concert! © Photo by Ian Coristine/1000IslandsPhotoArt.com

In closing, it seems mundane to say "stay well..."  Obviously our world has been turned upside-down and I can only wish you, your family, and friends continued good health.


Susan W. Smith, susansmith@thousandislandslife.com
Editor & Publisher TI Life