Sara's Surprise—an Irish Bride

NEW! Sara's Surprise—an Irish Brides novella, book 2
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Katelyn’s best friend, Sara O’Neill, works as an assistant pastry chef at the magnificent Thousand Islands Crossmon Hotel where she meets precocious, seven-year-old Madison and her charming father and hotel manager, Sean Graham. But Jacque LaFleur, the pastry chef Sara works under, makes her dream job a nightmare.

Sean has trouble keeping Madison out of mischief and his mind off Sara. Though he finds Sara captivating, he’s jealous of LaFleur and misreads Sara’s desire to learn from the pastry chef as love. Can Sean learn to trust her and can Sara trust him—and herself to be an instant mother?

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Other books by Susan G Mathis

Countdown for Couples: Preparing for the Adventure of Marriage

The ReMarriage Adventure: Preparing for a Lifetime of Love & Happiness

Lexie’s Adventure in Kenya, a children’s picture book

Princess Madison’s Rainbow Adventure, a children’s picture book

Susan is also an author in various book compilations including five Chicken Soup for the Soul books, Ready to Wed, Supporting Families Through Meaningful Ministry, and several more.

Visit her at

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