Angels Among Us in the Thousand Islands…

A dear friend gave me a book about angels recently. I thought to  myself, I have never read of anyone telling about their Angelic  encounters in the Thousand Islands Life Magazine, but I am sure I was  touched by an angel back in 1995, when we had a microburst.

It was on a Friday in July that my encounter began… we were starting  our vacation, My husband had the car full of supplies for two weeks, at  our home in Alexandria Bay. Our refrigerator was packed.

That night at about 4:30 am on Saturday morning I woke to a loud  noisy thunderstorm. I pulled the blinds up and saw our backyard full of  lightning strikes, hundreds of them, I am sure.


I screamed at the sight of it. No power either. Once my husband came  downstairs, he grabbed a flashlight and ran to our shed, to get our  one-week old Stihl chainsaw. We had done a lot of research on the  purchase, as we saw neighbors struggle with keeping them working.

To make a long story short, it took three days for him to cut  ourselves out.. In-between he took our small boat over to Alexandria Bay  to make contact with relatives. At that time, they had pay phones,  Remember, we had no power, water, phone or toilets working. He called an  older Uncle of mine in Syracuse. He volunteered to come the next day  with blocks of ice for our refrigerator and better than that, a Honda  generator!

It took us over three years to clean up the property. What to do with  all the lumber? One day, when I walked-up the driveway after it was  cleared, two young men appeared. They said they would take the lumber to  the sawmill. No money exchanged hands, but the giant logs were no  longer there.

All in all, we lost over 90+ Pine, Maple and Elm trees; most were  mature trees. What was once a nice shaded property, became a warm and  sunny lot.

It took the utility company, then Niagara Mohawk, ten days to restore  power. So, now I tell friends and neighbors - if you aren't prepared,  you should be. Always have batteries, matches, bottled water and  supplies on hand. With no phone or power, you are "dead in the water."

I was wondering if any others who read this online magazine had  similar experiences as I did, or angelic encounters to share with  readers in the Thousand Islands. Several days before the microburst  came, I bought a book to interpret dreams and soon after I had a vivid  dream of seeing the image of Christ on the River, looking at me. The  book described the dream as my having a “Trial” first, followed by  “Peace.” The Microburst was certainly my “Trial” and now many years  later I am enjoying the “Peace”. I Hope you never have to go through  anything like this, but be aware, Angels are all around us, we just  might see them,and they may help.

By Mary Politis

Mary Politis and her husband and son have a home in Syracuse, NY. and  spend the summer in Carnegie Bay, near Alexandria Bay. Mary has been a  TI Life reader for several years and is always on the lookout for unique  topics and individuals to interview. Her discovery of the sinking of  the cargo ship, 7Th Fleet Rescue of the USS Yanix Discovered; and The Edgar Cayce’s 1000 Islands Link are two of her articles.