8th Annual Photo Contest

November’s TI Life brings with it a call to action. It’s time for our 8th Annual Photo Contest and an opportunity for you to bring 1000 Islanders back to the River, by sharing your three best images for the rest of the River community to enjoy. Think of it as we do. A meaningful Christmas gift for those who care about our special place. It won’t cost you anything. All it takes is a few (pleasurable) minutes.

The closing date for submissions is December 6th (please send them to: susansmith@ThousandIslandsLife.com), at which point Susie will forward me all the images blind. I’ll then have the task of selecting three medal winners. As well as potentially gaining some minor fame from having your images featured in December’s issue, certificates ready for framing will be awarded for the Gold, Silver and Bronze winners.

It’s always tough picking just three as typically many others are also worthy, so we will enjoy honouring them as "Honorable Mentions,” and these will also be published in December or January’s issues.

Please take a few minutes to return to the River, as you sift through images, and send your picks to Susie now (susansmith@ThousandIslandsLife.com), before this slips from your mind.

Christmas will come 10 days early, on December 15th, when you’ll have a chance to enjoy your first gifts, a more extensive revisit through pictures, including to parts you may not know. Here’s a sample of some from last year's winners and Honorable Mentions:


By Ian Coristine, Raleigh Island

Ian Coristine has been active in aerial photography for over 25 years and has written extensively for U.S. and Canadian aviation publications. The demands of air-to-air photography proved ideal training for an unexpected career of delighting residents of the Thousand Islands, with seven books that showcase the region's beauty.
His books have collectively sold over 120,000 copies and his Thousand Islands photographs have been featured internationally.  DxO Labs of Paris, France, award winning publishers of revolutionary high-end camera and lens correction software, selected Coristine as one of their 12 founding “Image Masters.” from professional photographers around the world.
Ian Coristine's seventh book, “Ian Coristine’s 1000 Islands,” is the culmination of his twenty years of work.  He says, “These are my top picks, from the over 50,000 images I’ve captured since the River became my life’s work. To not share these is unthinkable.”
Since Paul Malo created “Thousand Islands Life Magazine,” Ian has generously shared his photography in each issue, as well as providing our special “Page Headers.”
A copy of “Volume VII,” with its companion Tri-fold Pocket Map, and my book, “First Summer People, Thousand Islands 1650-1910,”  goes to each of our medal winners, along with the official award certificates and our thanks for cerebrating the River in this way. It’s always a very special Christmas gift to the River community.

Note: Caption on last year’s medals: Gold, Silver and Bronze winning decals made courtesy of Sarah Ditterling.